Щенки русской псовой борзой
EurekaLog 5.1.3
1.1 Start Date : Sat, 25 Apr 2009 12:08:49 +0400
1.2 Name/Description: AgentVkontakte.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 23:51:21 +0400
2.1 Date : Sat, 25 Apr 2009 12:10:20 +0400
2.2 Address: 0042123C
2.3 Module : AgentVkontakte.exe
2.4 Type : EFCreateError
2.5 Message: Cannot create file "c:1.dat". Отказано в доступе.
Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : IEFrame
3.2 Form Text : Одноклассники.ru - Моя страница - Windows Internet Explorer
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :
4.1 Name : САВЕЛИЙ-ПК
4.2 User : МАМА
4.3 Total Memory : 2047 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 1218 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 232,88 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 43,38 Gb
4.7 System Up Time: 2 minutes, 17 seconds
4.8 Processor : AMD Phenom(tm) 8400 Triple-Core Processor
4.9 Display Mode : 1152 x 864, 32 bit
Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows
5.2 Build # : 6001
5.3 Update : Service Pack 1
5.4 Language: Russian
6.1 IP Address: -
6.2 Submask : -
6.3 Gateway : -
6.4 DNS 1 : -
6.5 DNS 2 : -
6.6 DHCP : OFF - ON
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
| Exception Thread: ID=3076; Priority=0; Class= |
|0042123C|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5114 |
|00421194|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5109 |
|0042116E|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5102 |
|00421144|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5100 |
|004BB954|AgentVkontakte.exe|Common.pas | |_Debug_StreamToFile |2197 |
|004BB924|AgentVkontakte.exe|Common.pas | |_Debug_StreamToFile |2194 |
|0063338E|AgentVkontakte.exe|TemplateWork.pas | |XMLAuthorization |143 |
|00633264|AgentVkontakte.exe|TemplateWork.pas | |XMLAuthorization |124 |
|0065F18B|AgentVkontakte.exe|VkontakteThread.pas|TVkontakteThread|Authorization |147 |
|0065D564|AgentVkontakte.exe|SiteThread.pas |TSiteThread |ProcessMsg |160 |
|004BC755|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |141 |
|004BC700|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |129 |
|004BC5D5|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas | |ThreadProc |76 |
|00404DF8|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |ThreadWrapper |11554|
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| Calling Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00407C94|AgentVkontakte.exe|Windows.pas | |ResumeThread |29170|
|004BC65F|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |94 |
|004BC5F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |85 |
|0065D294|AgentVkontakte.exe|SiteThread.pas |TSiteThread |Create |104 |
|0065D258|AgentVkontakte.exe|SiteThread.pas |TSiteThread |Create |103 |
|0065EE1D|AgentVkontakte.exe|VkontakteThread.pas|TVkontakteThread|Create |88 |
|0065EDE8|AgentVkontakte.exe|VkontakteThread.pas|TVkontakteThread|Create |87 |
|006624F1|AgentVkontakte.exe|SitesList.pas |TSiteItem |Init |89 |
|006624A0|AgentVkontakte.exe|SitesList.pas |TSiteItem |Init |83 |
|0065B1F3|AgentVkontakte.exe|MainThread.pas |TMainThread |WndProc |123 |
|0042960C|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas | |StdWndProc |10966|
|764D53FA|user32.dll | | |PeekMessageA | |
|004B712D|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6862 |
|004B7110|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6860 |
|004B7203|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6892 |
|004B71F4|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6891 |
|004B749E|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6976 |
|004B73F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6960 |
|00669DCD|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |90 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| |
| Running Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|764E0DDC|user32.dll | | |WaitMessage | |
|764E0DD2|user32.dll | | |WaitMessage | |
|004B7E41|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Idle |7246 |
|004B7D4C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Idle |7227 |
|004B7212|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6892 |
|004B71F4|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6891 |
|004B32EC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |ShowModal |4823 |
|004B3190|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |ShowModal |4799 |
|0057811C|AgentVkontakte.exe|ClassicDialog.pas |TClassicDialog |ShowModal |66 |
|005780F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|ClassicDialog.pas |TClassicDialog |ShowModal |58 |
|0057E3BD|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit2.pas |TLoginForm |ShowModal |105 |
|0057E2BC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit2.pas |TLoginForm |ShowModal |87 |
|00667754|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit1.pas |TMainForm |WMUser |427 |
|0048FA6B|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc |4645 |
|77C75C41|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb| |
|77C75C2F|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|77C75C34|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|77C57D80|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|00402895|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |SysFreeMem |1139 |
|764CFA47|user32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|764CF9E1|user32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|004BC7A9|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |WndProc |158 |
|0048F88C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc |4592 |
|0049363A|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc |6342 |
|004934AC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc |6309 |
|004AF4DC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |WndProc |3098 |
|006572C3|AgentVkontakte.exe|TrayIcon.pas |TTrayIcon |NewWndProc |195 |
|0049320C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |MainWndProc |6237 |
|0042960C|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas | |StdWndProc |10966|
|764D5A27|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|764D5A1D|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|004B71BC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6873 |
|004B7110|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6860 |
|004B7203|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6892 |
|004B71F4|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6891 |
|004B749E|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6976 |
|004B73F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6960 |
|00669DCD|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |90 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| |
| Running Thread: ID=3328; Priority=0; Class= |
|77C69242|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|767AC435|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|767AC649|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|767AC636|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|0057DA4A|AgentVkontakte.exe|MultiAppManager.pas| |MainLoopThread |80 |
|00404DF8|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |ThreadWrapper |11554|
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| Calling Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00407C94|AgentVkontakte.exe|Windows.pas | |ResumeThread |29170|
|00401350|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |CreateThread |2182 |
|00404E3E|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |BeginThread |11581|
|00404E08|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |BeginThread |11576|
|0057DCAA|AgentVkontakte.exe|MultiAppManager.pas|TMultiAppManager|Create |128 |
|0057DB2C|AgentVkontakte.exe|MultiAppManager.pas|TMultiAppManager|Create |107 |
|00669D23|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |78 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| |
| Running Thread: ID=3416; Priority=0; Class= |
|77C69252|ntdll.dll | | |NtWaitForSingleObject | |
|767AC1C0|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObjectEx | |
|767AC1AD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|767AC1A0|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|004BC77C|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |146 |
|004BC700|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |129 |
|004BC5D5|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas | |ThreadProc |76 |
|00404DF8|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |ThreadWrapper |11554|
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| Calling Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00407C94|AgentVkontakte.exe|Windows.pas | |ResumeThread |29170|
|004BC65F|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |94 |
|004BC5F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |85 |
|0065B08B|AgentVkontakte.exe|MainThread.pas |TMainThread |Create |58 |
|0065B074|AgentVkontakte.exe|MainThread.pas |TMainThread |Create |57 |
|00666F9C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit1.pas |TMainForm |FormCreate |199 |
|77C68ED2|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetEvent | |
|004AE2F5|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |DoCreate |2648 |
|004ADF65|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |AfterConstruction |2575 |
|004042F7|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |_AfterConstruction |9066 |
|004042F0|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |_AfterConstruction |9065 |
|004ADF32|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |Create |2569 |
|00402BCC|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |_ReallocMem |2518 |
|00420998|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TStringList |SetCapacity |4790 |
|77C57D80|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|00402895|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |SysFreeMem |1139 |
|77C75C41|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb| |
|77C75C2F|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|77C75C34|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|00402178|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |InsertFree |787 |
|004024CE|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |TryHarder |955 |
|77C57D80|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|004026BE|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |SysGetMem |1038 |
|004B73A0|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |CreateForm |6947 |
|004B7364|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |CreateForm |6943 |
|00669DC1|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |89 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |
|00400000|AgentVkontakte.exe| | |3524096 |2008-12-25 23:51:20|C:Program FilesAgent Vkontakte |
|10000000|Amhooker.dll |Amhooker.dll | |36864 |2007-05-15 13:31:52|C:Windowssystem32 |
|6E340000|RICHED20.DLL |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1 | |456704 |2008-01-19 11:36:18|C:Windowssystem32 |
|72C00000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |15360 |2008-01-19 11:37:12|C:Windowssystem32 |
|72F70000|pnrpnsp.dll |Поставщик пространства имен PNRP |6.0.6001.18000 |62464 |2008-01-19 11:36:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|72FA0000|winrnr.dll |LDAP RnR Provider DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |19968 |2006-11-02 13:46:16|C:WindowsSystem32 |
|72FB0000|napinsp.dll |Поставщик оболочки совместимости для имен электронной почты |6.0.6001.18000 |50176 |2008-01-19 11:35:36|C:Windowssystem32 |
|731F0000|sensapi.dll |SENS Connectivity API DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |8704 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|736C0000|rasadhlp.dll |Remote Access AutoDial Helper |6.0.6000.16386 |10240 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|736D0000|winspool.drv |Драйвер диспетчера очереди Windows |6.0.6001.18000 |258048 |2008-01-19 11:32:58|C:Windowssystem32 |
|749D0000|olepro32.dll | |6.0.6001.18000 |88576 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|749F0000|NLAapi.dll |Network Location Awareness 2 |6.0.6001.18000 |48128 |2008-01-19 11:35:40|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74A30000|OLEACC.dll |Active Accessibility Core Component |4.2.5406.0 |215040 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74A70000|winmm.dll |MCI API DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |189952 |2008-01-19 11:36:56|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74AB0000|TAPI32.dll |Библиотека API телефонии Microsoft® Windows™ |6.0.6000.16386 |191488 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74E40000|RASAPI32.dll |Remote Access API |6.0.6001.18000 |286720 |2008-01-19 11:36:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|751E0000|comctl32.dll |Библиотека элементов управления взаимодействия с пользователем|6.10.6001.18000 |1684480 |2008-01-19 11:26:36|C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.6001.18000_none_5cdbaa5a083979cc|
|75380000|rtutils.dll |Routing Utilities |6.0.6000.16386 |36352 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75390000|rasman.dll |Remote Access Connection Manager |6.0.6001.18000 |71168 |2008-01-19 11:36:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|753C0000|oledlg.dll |Поддержка интерфейса пользователя OLE |6.0.6001.18000 |101888 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|754E0000|uxtheme.dll |Библиотека тем UxTheme (Microsoft) |6.0.6001.18000 |240128 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|757A0000|wshtcpip.dll |Библиотека DLL помощника службы Winsock2 (TL/IPv4) |6.0.6001.18000 |9216 |2008-01-19 11:37:12|C:WindowsSystem32 |
|757B0000|msimg32.dll |GDIEXT Client DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |4608 |2006-11-02 13:46:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|757E0000|NTMARTA.DLL |Поставщик Windows NT MARTA |6.0.6001.18000 |121344 |2008-01-19 11:36:00|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75860000|rsaenh.dll |Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider |6.0.6001.18000 |242744 |2008-01-19 11:38:04|C:Windowssystem32 |
|758D0000|schannel.dll |TLS / SSL Security Provider |6.0.6001.18175 |268288 |2008-11-27 08:43:26|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75AA0000|msv1_0.dll |Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 |6.0.6001.18000 |210432 |2008-01-19 11:35:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75AE0000|dhcpcsvc6.DLL |Клиент DHCPv6 |6.0.6001.18000 |128000 |2008-01-19 11:34:04|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75B10000|mswsock.dll |Расширение поставщика службы API Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0|6.0.6001.18000 |223232 |2008-01-19 11:35:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75B70000|wship6.dll |Библиотека DLL помощника Winsock2 (TL/IPv6) |6.0.6001.18000 |9216 |2008-01-19 11:37:12|C:WindowsSystem32 |
|75B80000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries |6.0.6001.18000 |20480 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75C20000|credssp.dll |TS Single Sign On Security Package |6.0.6001.18000 |15872 |2008-01-19 11:34:00|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75CD0000|WINNSI.DLL |Network Store Information RPC interface |6.0.6001.18000 |14848 |2008-01-19 11:36:56|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75CE0000|dhcpcsvc.DLL |Служба DHCP-клиента |6.0.6001.18000 |204288 |2008-01-19 11:34:04|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75D60000|IPHLPAPI.DLL |IP Helper API |6.0.6001.18000 |91648 |2008-01-19 11:34:36|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75DC0000|CRYPT32.dll |API32 криптографии |6.0.6001.18000 |977408 |2008-01-19 11:34:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75F20000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |6.0.6000.16386 |59904 |2006-11-02 13:46:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75F50000|SAMLIB.dll |SAM Library DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |57344 |2008-01-19 11:36:20|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75F70000|DNSAPI.dll |Динамическая библиотека API DNS-клиента |6.0.6001.18000 |165888 |2008-01-19 11:34:06|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75FA0000|cryptdll.dll |Cryptography Manager |6.0.6001.18000 |57856 |2008-01-19 11:34:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76180000|NETAPI32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL |6.0.6001.18157 |466944 |2008-10-16 08:47:34|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76320000|Secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |6.0.6001.18215 |72704 |2009-02-13 12:49:12|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76340000|USERENV.dll |Userenv |6.0.6001.18000 |108032 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|763F0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |6.0.6000.16386 |12288 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76490000|Normaliz.dll |Unicode Normalization DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |2560 |2006-11-02 12:33:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|764A0000|imm32.dll |Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |114688 |2008-01-19 11:34:34|C:Windowssystem32 |
|764C0000|user32.dll |Многопользовательская библиотека клиента USER API Windows |6.0.6001.18000 |627200 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76560000|ADVAPI32.dll |Расширенная библиотека API Windows 32 |6.0.6001.18000 |798720 |2008-01-19 11:33:44|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76630000|URLMON.DLL |Расширения OLE32 для Win32 |7.0.6001.18226 |1166336 |2009-03-03 08:40:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76760000|kernel32.dll |Библиотека клиента Windows NT BASE API |6.0.6001.18215 |888832 |2009-02-13 12:49:06|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76840000|CLBCatQ.DLL |COM+ Configuration Catalog |2001.12.6931.18000|523776 |2008-01-19 11:33:54|C:Windowssystem32 |
|768D0000|MSCTF.dll |Серверная библиотека MSCTF |6.0.6001.18000 |806912 |2008-01-19 11:34:56|C:Windowssystem32 |
|769A0000|shell32.dll |Общая библиотека оболочки Windows |6.0.6001.18167 |11580928|2008-11-06 17:14:26|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77640000|oleaut32.dll | |6.0.6001.18000 |563200 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|776D0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE для Windows |6.0.6001.18000 |1315328 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77820000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |6.0.6001.18159 |296960 |2008-10-21 09:25:20|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77870000|iertutil.dll |Run time utility for Internet Explorer |7.0.6001.18226 |270336 |2009-03-03 08:37:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|778C0000|USP10.dll |Uniscribe Unicode script processor |1.626.6001.18000 |501760 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77940000|wininet.dll |Расширения Интернета для Win32 |7.0.6001.18226 |827392 |2009-03-03 08:40:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77A10000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.6001.18000 |680448 |2008-01-19 11:35:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77AC0000|comdlg32.dll |Библиотека общих диалоговых окон |6.0.6001.18000 |450048 |2008-01-19 11:34:00|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77B40000|RPCRT4.dll |Библиотека удаленного вызова процедур |6.0.6001.18051 |784896 |2008-04-12 07:32:12|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77C10000|ntdll.dll |Системная библиотека NT |6.0.6001.18000 |1203792 |2008-01-19 11:38:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77D40000|LPK.DLL |Language Pack |6.0.6001.18000 |23552 |2008-01-19 11:34:44|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77D50000|WS2_32.dll |32-разрядная библиотека Windows Socket 2.0 |6.0.6001.18000 |179200 |2008-01-19 11:37:10|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77DB0000|SHLWAPI.dll |Библиотека небольших программ оболочки |6.0.6001.18000 |351744 |2008-01-19 11:36:30|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77E10000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |289280 |2008-01-19 11:36:58|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77E60000|NSI.dll |NSI User-mode interface DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |8192 |2008-01-19 11:35:58|C:Windowssystem32 |
EAX: 01F85A78 EDI: 004716F4
EBX: 00000000 ESI: 0063345C
ECX: 00000000 ESP: 038DFDC8
EDX: 00421241 EIP: 0042123C
Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
038DFDC8: 038DFE14 0042123C: E8 83 35 FE FF EB 6A 0F B7 55 0C 8B 45 F4 E8 B9 ..5...j..U..E...
038DFDCC: 004046F8 0042124C: 98 FE FF 8B C8 33 D2 8B 45 FC E8 A5 FD FF FF 8B .....3..E.......
038DFDD0: 038DFE04 0042125C: 45 FC 83 78 04 00 7D 49 8D 55 D8 8B 45 F4 E8 A5 E..x..}I.U..E...
038DFDD4: 01F8775C 0042126C: 9F FE FF 8B 45 D8 89 45 E4 C6 45 E8 0B E8 4E 68 ....E..E..E...Nh
038DFDD8: 00000000 0042127C: FE FF 8D 55 D4 E8 EE D6 FE FF 8B 45 D4 89 45 EC ...U.......E..E.
038DFDDC: 00000000 0042128C: C6 45 F0 0B 8D 45 E4 50 6A 01 8B 0D A0 93 68 00 .E...E.Pj.....h.
038DFDE0: 00000000 0042129C: B2 01 A1 10 A8 41 00 E8 7C E1 FE FF E8 17 35 FE .....A..|.....5.
038DFDE4: 00000000 004212AC: FF 33 C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 CF 12 42 00 8D 45 .3.ZYYd..h..B..E
038DFDE8: 01F8A444 004212BC: D4 BA 04 00 00 00 E8 B1 3B FE FF C3 E9 FB 33 FE ........;.....3.
038DFDEC: 0047160B 004212CC: FF EB EB 8B 45 FC 80 7D FB 00 74 0F E8 13 30 FE ....E..}..t...0.
038DFDF0: 01F8A45C 004212DC: FF 64 8F 05 00 00 00 00 83 C4 0C 8B 45 FC 5B 8B .d..........E.[.
038DFDF4: 0041B40B 004212EC: E5 5D C2 08 00 8D 40 00 55 8B EC 83 C4 F8 E8 01 .]....@.U.......
038DFDF8: 0063345C 004212FC: 30 FE FF 88 55 FB 89 45 FC 8B 45 FC 83 78 04 00 0...U..E..E..x..
038DFDFC: 00F8775C 0042130C: 7C 0B 8B 45 FC 8B 40 04 E8 5F 99 FE FF 8A 55 FB |..E..@.._....U.
038DFE00: 01F6A984 0042131C: 80 E2 FC 8B 45 FC E8 E9 2B FE FF 80 7D FB 00 7E ....E...+...}..~
038DFE04: 038DFE30 0042132C: 08 8B 45 FC E8 B3 2F FE FF 59 59 5D C3 8D 40 00 ..E.../..YY]..@.
1.1 Start Date : Sat, 25 Apr 2009 12:08:49 +0400
1.2 Name/Description: AgentVkontakte.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 23:51:21 +0400
2.1 Date : Sat, 25 Apr 2009 12:10:20 +0400
2.2 Address: 0042123C
2.3 Module : AgentVkontakte.exe
2.4 Type : EFCreateError
2.5 Message: Cannot create file "c:1.dat". Отказано в доступе.
Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : IEFrame
3.2 Form Text : Одноклассники.ru - Моя страница - Windows Internet Explorer
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :
4.1 Name : САВЕЛИЙ-ПК
4.2 User : МАМА
4.3 Total Memory : 2047 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 1218 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 232,88 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 43,38 Gb
4.7 System Up Time: 2 minutes, 17 seconds
4.8 Processor : AMD Phenom(tm) 8400 Triple-Core Processor
4.9 Display Mode : 1152 x 864, 32 bit
Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows
5.2 Build # : 6001
5.3 Update : Service Pack 1
5.4 Language: Russian
6.1 IP Address: -
6.2 Submask : -
6.3 Gateway : -
6.4 DNS 1 : -
6.5 DNS 2 : -
6.6 DHCP : OFF - ON
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
| Exception Thread: ID=3076; Priority=0; Class= |
|0042123C|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5114 |
|00421194|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5109 |
|0042116E|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5102 |
|00421144|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TFileStream |Create |5100 |
|004BB954|AgentVkontakte.exe|Common.pas | |_Debug_StreamToFile |2197 |
|004BB924|AgentVkontakte.exe|Common.pas | |_Debug_StreamToFile |2194 |
|0063338E|AgentVkontakte.exe|TemplateWork.pas | |XMLAuthorization |143 |
|00633264|AgentVkontakte.exe|TemplateWork.pas | |XMLAuthorization |124 |
|0065F18B|AgentVkontakte.exe|VkontakteThread.pas|TVkontakteThread|Authorization |147 |
|0065D564|AgentVkontakte.exe|SiteThread.pas |TSiteThread |ProcessMsg |160 |
|004BC755|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |141 |
|004BC700|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |129 |
|004BC5D5|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas | |ThreadProc |76 |
|00404DF8|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |ThreadWrapper |11554|
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| Calling Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00407C94|AgentVkontakte.exe|Windows.pas | |ResumeThread |29170|
|004BC65F|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |94 |
|004BC5F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |85 |
|0065D294|AgentVkontakte.exe|SiteThread.pas |TSiteThread |Create |104 |
|0065D258|AgentVkontakte.exe|SiteThread.pas |TSiteThread |Create |103 |
|0065EE1D|AgentVkontakte.exe|VkontakteThread.pas|TVkontakteThread|Create |88 |
|0065EDE8|AgentVkontakte.exe|VkontakteThread.pas|TVkontakteThread|Create |87 |
|006624F1|AgentVkontakte.exe|SitesList.pas |TSiteItem |Init |89 |
|006624A0|AgentVkontakte.exe|SitesList.pas |TSiteItem |Init |83 |
|0065B1F3|AgentVkontakte.exe|MainThread.pas |TMainThread |WndProc |123 |
|0042960C|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas | |StdWndProc |10966|
|764D53FA|user32.dll | | |PeekMessageA | |
|004B712D|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6862 |
|004B7110|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6860 |
|004B7203|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6892 |
|004B71F4|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6891 |
|004B749E|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6976 |
|004B73F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6960 |
|00669DCD|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |90 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| |
| Running Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|764E0DDC|user32.dll | | |WaitMessage | |
|764E0DD2|user32.dll | | |WaitMessage | |
|004B7E41|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Idle |7246 |
|004B7D4C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Idle |7227 |
|004B7212|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6892 |
|004B71F4|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6891 |
|004B32EC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |ShowModal |4823 |
|004B3190|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |ShowModal |4799 |
|0057811C|AgentVkontakte.exe|ClassicDialog.pas |TClassicDialog |ShowModal |66 |
|005780F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|ClassicDialog.pas |TClassicDialog |ShowModal |58 |
|0057E3BD|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit2.pas |TLoginForm |ShowModal |105 |
|0057E2BC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit2.pas |TLoginForm |ShowModal |87 |
|00667754|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit1.pas |TMainForm |WMUser |427 |
|0048FA6B|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc |4645 |
|77C75C41|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb| |
|77C75C2F|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|77C75C34|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|77C57D80|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|00402895|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |SysFreeMem |1139 |
|764CFA47|user32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|764CF9E1|user32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|004BC7A9|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |WndProc |158 |
|0048F88C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc |4592 |
|0049363A|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc |6342 |
|004934AC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc |6309 |
|004AF4DC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |WndProc |3098 |
|006572C3|AgentVkontakte.exe|TrayIcon.pas |TTrayIcon |NewWndProc |195 |
|0049320C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Controls.pas |TWinControl |MainWndProc |6237 |
|0042960C|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas | |StdWndProc |10966|
|764D5A27|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|764D5A1D|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|004B71BC|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6873 |
|004B7110|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |ProcessMessage |6860 |
|004B7203|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6892 |
|004B71F4|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |HandleMessage |6891 |
|004B749E|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6976 |
|004B73F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |Run |6960 |
|00669DCD|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |90 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| |
| Running Thread: ID=3328; Priority=0; Class= |
|77C69242|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|767AC435|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|767AC649|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|767AC636|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|0057DA4A|AgentVkontakte.exe|MultiAppManager.pas| |MainLoopThread |80 |
|00404DF8|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |ThreadWrapper |11554|
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| Calling Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00407C94|AgentVkontakte.exe|Windows.pas | |ResumeThread |29170|
|00401350|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |CreateThread |2182 |
|00404E3E|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |BeginThread |11581|
|00404E08|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |BeginThread |11576|
|0057DCAA|AgentVkontakte.exe|MultiAppManager.pas|TMultiAppManager|Create |128 |
|0057DB2C|AgentVkontakte.exe|MultiAppManager.pas|TMultiAppManager|Create |107 |
|00669D23|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |78 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| |
| Running Thread: ID=3416; Priority=0; Class= |
|77C69252|ntdll.dll | | |NtWaitForSingleObject | |
|767AC1C0|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObjectEx | |
|767AC1AD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|767AC1A0|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|004BC77C|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |146 |
|004BC700|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Execute |129 |
|004BC5D5|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas | |ThreadProc |76 |
|00404DF8|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |ThreadWrapper |11554|
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
| Calling Thread: ID=3212; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00407C94|AgentVkontakte.exe|Windows.pas | |ResumeThread |29170|
|004BC65F|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |94 |
|004BC5F8|AgentVkontakte.exe|CustomThread.pas |TCustomThread |Create |85 |
|0065B08B|AgentVkontakte.exe|MainThread.pas |TMainThread |Create |58 |
|0065B074|AgentVkontakte.exe|MainThread.pas |TMainThread |Create |57 |
|00666F9C|AgentVkontakte.exe|Unit1.pas |TMainForm |FormCreate |199 |
|77C68ED2|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetEvent | |
|004AE2F5|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |DoCreate |2648 |
|004ADF65|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |AfterConstruction |2575 |
|004042F7|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |_AfterConstruction |9066 |
|004042F0|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |_AfterConstruction |9065 |
|004ADF32|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TCustomForm |Create |2569 |
|00402BCC|AgentVkontakte.exe|system.pas | |_ReallocMem |2518 |
|00420998|AgentVkontakte.exe|classes.pas |TStringList |SetCapacity |4790 |
|77C57D80|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|00402895|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |SysFreeMem |1139 |
|77C75C41|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb| |
|77C75C2F|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|77C75C34|ntdll.dll | | |RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
|00402178|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |InsertFree |787 |
|004024CE|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |TryHarder |955 |
|77C57D80|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|004026BE|AgentVkontakte.exe|GETMEM.INC | |SysGetMem |1038 |
|004B73A0|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |CreateForm |6947 |
|004B7364|AgentVkontakte.exe|Forms.pas |TApplication |CreateForm |6943 |
|00669DC1|AgentVkontakte.exe|AgentVkontakte.dpr | | |89 |
|767A490F|kernel32.dll | | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |
Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |
|00400000|AgentVkontakte.exe| | |3524096 |2008-12-25 23:51:20|C:Program FilesAgent Vkontakte |
|10000000|Amhooker.dll |Amhooker.dll | |36864 |2007-05-15 13:31:52|C:Windowssystem32 |
|6E340000|RICHED20.DLL |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1 | |456704 |2008-01-19 11:36:18|C:Windowssystem32 |
|72C00000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |15360 |2008-01-19 11:37:12|C:Windowssystem32 |
|72F70000|pnrpnsp.dll |Поставщик пространства имен PNRP |6.0.6001.18000 |62464 |2008-01-19 11:36:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|72FA0000|winrnr.dll |LDAP RnR Provider DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |19968 |2006-11-02 13:46:16|C:WindowsSystem32 |
|72FB0000|napinsp.dll |Поставщик оболочки совместимости для имен электронной почты |6.0.6001.18000 |50176 |2008-01-19 11:35:36|C:Windowssystem32 |
|731F0000|sensapi.dll |SENS Connectivity API DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |8704 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|736C0000|rasadhlp.dll |Remote Access AutoDial Helper |6.0.6000.16386 |10240 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|736D0000|winspool.drv |Драйвер диспетчера очереди Windows |6.0.6001.18000 |258048 |2008-01-19 11:32:58|C:Windowssystem32 |
|749D0000|olepro32.dll | |6.0.6001.18000 |88576 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|749F0000|NLAapi.dll |Network Location Awareness 2 |6.0.6001.18000 |48128 |2008-01-19 11:35:40|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74A30000|OLEACC.dll |Active Accessibility Core Component |4.2.5406.0 |215040 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74A70000|winmm.dll |MCI API DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |189952 |2008-01-19 11:36:56|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74AB0000|TAPI32.dll |Библиотека API телефонии Microsoft® Windows™ |6.0.6000.16386 |191488 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|74E40000|RASAPI32.dll |Remote Access API |6.0.6001.18000 |286720 |2008-01-19 11:36:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|751E0000|comctl32.dll |Библиотека элементов управления взаимодействия с пользователем|6.10.6001.18000 |1684480 |2008-01-19 11:26:36|C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.6001.18000_none_5cdbaa5a083979cc|
|75380000|rtutils.dll |Routing Utilities |6.0.6000.16386 |36352 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75390000|rasman.dll |Remote Access Connection Manager |6.0.6001.18000 |71168 |2008-01-19 11:36:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|753C0000|oledlg.dll |Поддержка интерфейса пользователя OLE |6.0.6001.18000 |101888 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|754E0000|uxtheme.dll |Библиотека тем UxTheme (Microsoft) |6.0.6001.18000 |240128 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|757A0000|wshtcpip.dll |Библиотека DLL помощника службы Winsock2 (TL/IPv4) |6.0.6001.18000 |9216 |2008-01-19 11:37:12|C:WindowsSystem32 |
|757B0000|msimg32.dll |GDIEXT Client DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |4608 |2006-11-02 13:46:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|757E0000|NTMARTA.DLL |Поставщик Windows NT MARTA |6.0.6001.18000 |121344 |2008-01-19 11:36:00|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75860000|rsaenh.dll |Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider |6.0.6001.18000 |242744 |2008-01-19 11:38:04|C:Windowssystem32 |
|758D0000|schannel.dll |TLS / SSL Security Provider |6.0.6001.18175 |268288 |2008-11-27 08:43:26|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75AA0000|msv1_0.dll |Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 |6.0.6001.18000 |210432 |2008-01-19 11:35:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75AE0000|dhcpcsvc6.DLL |Клиент DHCPv6 |6.0.6001.18000 |128000 |2008-01-19 11:34:04|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75B10000|mswsock.dll |Расширение поставщика службы API Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0|6.0.6001.18000 |223232 |2008-01-19 11:35:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75B70000|wship6.dll |Библиотека DLL помощника Winsock2 (TL/IPv6) |6.0.6001.18000 |9216 |2008-01-19 11:37:12|C:WindowsSystem32 |
|75B80000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries |6.0.6001.18000 |20480 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75C20000|credssp.dll |TS Single Sign On Security Package |6.0.6001.18000 |15872 |2008-01-19 11:34:00|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75CD0000|WINNSI.DLL |Network Store Information RPC interface |6.0.6001.18000 |14848 |2008-01-19 11:36:56|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75CE0000|dhcpcsvc.DLL |Служба DHCP-клиента |6.0.6001.18000 |204288 |2008-01-19 11:34:04|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75D60000|IPHLPAPI.DLL |IP Helper API |6.0.6001.18000 |91648 |2008-01-19 11:34:36|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75DC0000|CRYPT32.dll |API32 криптографии |6.0.6001.18000 |977408 |2008-01-19 11:34:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75F20000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |6.0.6000.16386 |59904 |2006-11-02 13:46:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75F50000|SAMLIB.dll |SAM Library DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |57344 |2008-01-19 11:36:20|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75F70000|DNSAPI.dll |Динамическая библиотека API DNS-клиента |6.0.6001.18000 |165888 |2008-01-19 11:34:06|C:Windowssystem32 |
|75FA0000|cryptdll.dll |Cryptography Manager |6.0.6001.18000 |57856 |2008-01-19 11:34:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76180000|NETAPI32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL |6.0.6001.18157 |466944 |2008-10-16 08:47:34|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76320000|Secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |6.0.6001.18215 |72704 |2009-02-13 12:49:12|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76340000|USERENV.dll |Userenv |6.0.6001.18000 |108032 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|763F0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |6.0.6000.16386 |12288 |2006-11-02 13:46:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76490000|Normaliz.dll |Unicode Normalization DLL |6.0.6000.16386 |2560 |2006-11-02 12:33:08|C:Windowssystem32 |
|764A0000|imm32.dll |Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |114688 |2008-01-19 11:34:34|C:Windowssystem32 |
|764C0000|user32.dll |Многопользовательская библиотека клиента USER API Windows |6.0.6001.18000 |627200 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76560000|ADVAPI32.dll |Расширенная библиотека API Windows 32 |6.0.6001.18000 |798720 |2008-01-19 11:33:44|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76630000|URLMON.DLL |Расширения OLE32 для Win32 |7.0.6001.18226 |1166336 |2009-03-03 08:40:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76760000|kernel32.dll |Библиотека клиента Windows NT BASE API |6.0.6001.18215 |888832 |2009-02-13 12:49:06|C:Windowssystem32 |
|76840000|CLBCatQ.DLL |COM+ Configuration Catalog |2001.12.6931.18000|523776 |2008-01-19 11:33:54|C:Windowssystem32 |
|768D0000|MSCTF.dll |Серверная библиотека MSCTF |6.0.6001.18000 |806912 |2008-01-19 11:34:56|C:Windowssystem32 |
|769A0000|shell32.dll |Общая библиотека оболочки Windows |6.0.6001.18167 |11580928|2008-11-06 17:14:26|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77640000|oleaut32.dll | |6.0.6001.18000 |563200 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|776D0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE для Windows |6.0.6001.18000 |1315328 |2008-01-19 11:36:02|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77820000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |6.0.6001.18159 |296960 |2008-10-21 09:25:20|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77870000|iertutil.dll |Run time utility for Internet Explorer |7.0.6001.18226 |270336 |2009-03-03 08:37:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|778C0000|USP10.dll |Uniscribe Unicode script processor |1.626.6001.18000 |501760 |2008-01-19 11:36:48|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77940000|wininet.dll |Расширения Интернета для Win32 |7.0.6001.18226 |827392 |2009-03-03 08:40:14|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77A10000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.6001.18000 |680448 |2008-01-19 11:35:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77AC0000|comdlg32.dll |Библиотека общих диалоговых окон |6.0.6001.18000 |450048 |2008-01-19 11:34:00|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77B40000|RPCRT4.dll |Библиотека удаленного вызова процедур |6.0.6001.18051 |784896 |2008-04-12 07:32:12|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77C10000|ntdll.dll |Системная библиотека NT |6.0.6001.18000 |1203792 |2008-01-19 11:38:16|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77D40000|LPK.DLL |Language Pack |6.0.6001.18000 |23552 |2008-01-19 11:34:44|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77D50000|WS2_32.dll |32-разрядная библиотека Windows Socket 2.0 |6.0.6001.18000 |179200 |2008-01-19 11:37:10|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77DB0000|SHLWAPI.dll |Библиотека небольших программ оболочки |6.0.6001.18000 |351744 |2008-01-19 11:36:30|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77E10000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |289280 |2008-01-19 11:36:58|C:Windowssystem32 |
|77E60000|NSI.dll |NSI User-mode interface DLL |6.0.6001.18000 |8192 |2008-01-19 11:35:58|C:Windowssystem32 |
EAX: 01F85A78 EDI: 004716F4
EBX: 00000000 ESI: 0063345C
ECX: 00000000 ESP: 038DFDC8
EDX: 00421241 EIP: 0042123C
Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
038DFDC8: 038DFE14 0042123C: E8 83 35 FE FF EB 6A 0F B7 55 0C 8B 45 F4 E8 B9 ..5...j..U..E...
038DFDCC: 004046F8 0042124C: 98 FE FF 8B C8 33 D2 8B 45 FC E8 A5 FD FF FF 8B .....3..E.......
038DFDD0: 038DFE04 0042125C: 45 FC 83 78 04 00 7D 49 8D 55 D8 8B 45 F4 E8 A5 E..x..}I.U..E...
038DFDD4: 01F8775C 0042126C: 9F FE FF 8B 45 D8 89 45 E4 C6 45 E8 0B E8 4E 68 ....E..E..E...Nh
038DFDD8: 00000000 0042127C: FE FF 8D 55 D4 E8 EE D6 FE FF 8B 45 D4 89 45 EC ...U.......E..E.
038DFDDC: 00000000 0042128C: C6 45 F0 0B 8D 45 E4 50 6A 01 8B 0D A0 93 68 00 .E...E.Pj.....h.
038DFDE0: 00000000 0042129C: B2 01 A1 10 A8 41 00 E8 7C E1 FE FF E8 17 35 FE .....A..|.....5.
038DFDE4: 00000000 004212AC: FF 33 C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 CF 12 42 00 8D 45 .3.ZYYd..h..B..E
038DFDE8: 01F8A444 004212BC: D4 BA 04 00 00 00 E8 B1 3B FE FF C3 E9 FB 33 FE ........;.....3.
038DFDEC: 0047160B 004212CC: FF EB EB 8B 45 FC 80 7D FB 00 74 0F E8 13 30 FE ....E..}..t...0.
038DFDF0: 01F8A45C 004212DC: FF 64 8F 05 00 00 00 00 83 C4 0C 8B 45 FC 5B 8B .d..........E.[.
038DFDF4: 0041B40B 004212EC: E5 5D C2 08 00 8D 40 00 55 8B EC 83 C4 F8 E8 01 .]....@.U.......
038DFDF8: 0063345C 004212FC: 30 FE FF 88 55 FB 89 45 FC 8B 45 FC 83 78 04 00 0...U..E..E..x..
038DFDFC: 00F8775C 0042130C: 7C 0B 8B 45 FC 8B 40 04 E8 5F 99 FE FF 8A 55 FB |..E..@.._....U.
038DFE00: 01F6A984 0042131C: 80 E2 FC 8B 45 FC E8 E9 2B FE FF 80 7D FB 00 7E ....E...+...}..~
038DFE04: 038DFE30 0042132C: 08 8B 45 FC E8 B3 2F FE FF 59 59 5D C3 8D 40 00 ..E.../..YY]..@.
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- Категория: Продажа Щенков
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- Дата: 25.04.2009 10:38
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- Просмотров: 1351
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